Just feel good – 1,400m above sea level

Dolasilla’s spa paradise in Alta Badia

Treat your body and enjoy a unique experience in our spa oasis. In our hunter’s sauna with a fireplace and panoramic views, where you’ll feel that sense of freedom; in our panoramic swimming pool with direct access to the garden; in the outdoor whirlpool, where you’ll have an exciting experience of the great outdoors; or in our rustic, quiet lounge where you can while away the hours in a relaxing environment. The glass façades in each room make you feel as if you can just reach out and touch the Gruppo di Fanes mountains.

Le migliori offerte Dolasilla

Le nostre offerte per la vostra vacanza a La Villa nelle Dolomiti

Mountain Panoramic Wellness Hotel Dolasilla
Family Frenademez Mirko
Str. Rottonara, 30  .  39036 La Villa  .  Italy
Tel +39 0471 847006  .  Fax +39 0471 847349
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