Kopie von The Legend of Dolasilla

The World of Children

Children are always looking for new things to discover and to explore.
Our hotel offers our youngest guests every possibility to have fun and play, to transform your South Tyrol family holiday in a complete event.
In the playground, or the children's playroom, in the garden or in the swimming pool the youngest guests find as much as variety they like. Also in the village there are many playgrounds to explore.

The Alta Badia tourist board awaits you with a vaste entertainment program in summer and winter, that won't marvel just the youngest guests.
Mountain Panoramic Wellness Hotel Dolasilla
Family Frenademez Mirko
Str. Rottonara, 30  .  39036 La Villa  .  Italy
Tel +39 0471 847006  .  Fax +39 0471 847349
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