Ladin Cuisine

Local and international

We serve to our guests the best typical ladin dishes, but also some delicacies of the mediterranean and international cuisine. In harmony with our philosophy we always try to prepare, with maximum care, all the dishes at home, paying great attention in the selection of ingredients: fresh, healthy, genuine and produced, in large part, in the land.

Every day at breakfast you will find an abundant and varied buffet with local products just like bread, milk, desserts, charcuteries and different sorts of cheese.
In the evening our guests are received in a traditional environment, where they have the possibility to choose one of the three proposed inviting menus, and where they find a very provided buffet with salads and vegetables. To conclude the evening, a delicious buffet of desserts waits for you.
Every week we organize one welcoming aperitif in the garden and a typical ladin dinner
15.08.2016Sandra Frenademez

Ski day

Ski day with Sandra & Mirko

once a week
27.02.2019Mirko Frenademez


Dolomites Unesco

The secrets of the world's most beautiful natural heritage
18.07.2016Sandra Frenademez
Mountain Panoramic Wellness Hotel Dolasilla
Family Frenademez Mirko
Str. Rottonara, 30  .  39036 La Villa  .  Italy
Tel +39 0471 847006  .  Fax +39 0471 847349
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